I’m the type of person who likes to make sense out of life. I like order! I definitely would call me a “rule follower” if I had to describe my philosophy of life! I believe in honesty and fair play and, as a little kid, I was always taught to hold hands when crossing the street for safety. I know I’ve got decades worth of ticker tapes floating around in my head of the “musts, shoulds and have to’s” of life.
But the world doesn’t seem
to follow the same set of rules anymore.
In fact, I don’t think there’s much rule following going on
anywhere! Have you been on a major
highway lately? Drivers have all but
destroyed the sacred rules of the road.
In fact, that drives me bonkers more than just about anything else. So the posted speed is 70 mph. The new unwritten rules of the road say that
80 mph is the new 70mph! Here’s the
thing: Driving 80 seems now to be the
new “suggested” speed limit. Even the
cops won’t usually bother spending the gas that it takes to chase a car down
the highway for a mere 80 miles per hour anymore. When I’m going 80 on I-75, I’m standing
still. Just the other day, I was driving
to Orlando (and that’s a nightmare in itself), doing 75mph, in the middle lane
of a three lane highway. People were
flying by me as if I were standing still.
I had to check my speedometer to make sure my car hadn’t stalled in the
middle lane. Meanwhile, people were
pulling in front of me from all directions, a move I call the “zig, zag-two
step”! No signal, pass me on the
left-zig. Pull in front of me without
warning. Then into the slow lane (ha!), only to accelerate to pass the next car
in the middle lane-zag! And all the way
down the highway, doing the two step.
Never a signal required, and never a warning! I have lately developed a sixth sense about
these drivers merely for self-preservation, as I see them weaving within
their lane shortly before they make
their move. My husband shouts, “Go get
‘em cowboy”!
Now, I’m not a person
prone to road rage, but as a rule follower, I sure would love to make a
citizen’s arrest—if I could even
catch up with them, and if I could
even predict whether they were going to zig or zag! I’d chalk it up to some crazy driver on the
road, but it seems to be the norm now! That drives me bonkers!
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